Oven Roast Chicken Drumstick

3 drumsticks
1 Tbs olive oil
1 Tbs Lemon juice
1 Tbs Oyster sace
1/2 Tbs soya sauce
1 tsp black pepper
1 tsp sugar
Clean chicken n pat dry with kitchen towel
1. Mix everything and marinade for 4 hours or more
2. Preheat oven 175 C and bake for 40 minutes
3. Set the oven at 200 C bake further 10 minutes or until chicken brown
Vegetables Roasting
You can use any vegetables u like eg potatoes, carrot, onion.
Cut potatoes, carrot into wedges.
Coat them with some olive oil and sprinkle with some salt.
You might need to check the chicken in between, brush them with oil on tray to maintain the chicken moisture
